Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lightning & CG explosion

This is my another try on embedding elements into live action plate. in this case, i put CG explosion into my lightning shot. all done in after effect, and the explosion elements are all from vc's AE2, thanks to andrew for the great stuffs.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

W.I.P Rush Part 2

Continuing my work from this post, here is the next result...
in this part i added headlight, front vent, and slicing some part. and also i've change the topology of front bumper, at here i got some trouble with smoothing the front bumper, got confused how to kill some edge... but at the end i found the solution and finally satisfied... you know what, its feel like solving rubic :D

anyway, lets take a look what i've done so far... again, criticism and suggestions are welcome

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

W.I.P Rush

ok, its time for me to level up my modeling skill, for now i use my car as the model, toyota rush... for the 1st step, i search some references, blueprint, real photo, dimension spec, etc...

my workflow are based on DT modeling tutorial, let's see my last result... criticism and suggestions are welcome

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My 3D Mustang v.2

about a month ago i tried to change my mustang material and added temporary environment, i know its very bad environment thats why i call it temporary :P. for the body i'm using carpaint material, and the rest parts used A&D material.

ok, read more to see the images

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Monday, November 15, 2010

My Rush Gunner

After i made my mustang (previous post), i was trying to experiment with matchmove tool called PFtrack, i can say this tool is easy to use and friendly UI (for me), i've tried other tools like boujou, matchmover, syntheyes... don't know why i feel more comfortable with this pixel farm product. anyway, lets see my 1st attemp with this tool...

and here is the wired version...

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

My 1st attemp on car modeling

Ok, i'll start my blog by posting my 1st (very3) short 3D car animation using 3ds max... the model was based on DT tutorial making a car (yes, because i still learning doing this). actually this isn't done yet, there's still many part looks flat. i was using mental ray to render this CG, most parts applied A&D material for instant.

after im happy with the material, lighting, animation... then i rendered in separated elements and put them together in after effect, include my home shot as the backdrop.

and this is the wired version:

note this work done around january 2010

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